Friday 29 June 2012

The Wedding Girl

I am a bit of a fan of Sophie Kinsella and have read several of her books now. I was quite surprised when I spotted this book as it is written by the same author but under her real name of Madeleine Wickham. I decided that I would give it a go as she is such a good writer and her stories always have good characters and storylines to them. I am very pleased that I did as I thoroughly enjoyed this book and felt it was very different from her other ones.

The story is about Millie, she is due to marry Simon and her mother has taken over the whole event and made it a massive occasion with hundreds of guests arriving. Millie’s mother is showing off slightly as Millie is marrying the son of a very wealthy business man. Unbeknown to the family and Simon Millie is hiding a secret, she is already married. At the age of 18 Millie met two men who became her best friends and when one of them was due to leave the country she married him so he could stay. Millie’s has never told anyone of this secret as she feels if she does not mention it then it will not be real.
However, Millie is about to get a blast from  the past when she meets her photographer as he remembers her from the wedding, standing out the front of the registry office showing off her dress. After some thought Millie decides to head off to London to see if she is still married or whether her husband filed for divorce. Will Millie get the outcome she wants and be able to marry Simon or will she still be married and have to reveal her secret to the world?

All of the characters were good in their own way. Millie was the main one and I felt I got to know her very well. I enjoyed reading how she handled her problems and was forced to face up to things, she showed a lot of strength throughout the story and this made me warm to her much more. I also found the character of sister Isobel, came across as more level headed and was always on hand to help her little sister out despite having her own issues. She was a little distant at the start of the book but once we got to know more about her I could relate better to her. We did have some other good character in the book and I felt we got to know just enough about them to know what roles they played in the story but not too much so the story lost some of the mystery it had.

The writing style was very good and I did find this book very easy to read. It had lots of details included in the story so I was able to get a good mental picture of the characters and the places. The one thing which I did find missing from this book, as the others from the same author had it, was a little humour. 
I am more than happy to give this book the full 5 stars despite there being a lack of fun and humour. I loved the story and got to know all of the characters with ease. This is definitely a new style for this author and I do look forward to reading more of her work under the name of Madeleine Wickham.


  1. Glad that you enjoyed the book, it sounds really interesting! I wouldn't mind reading it myself!

  2. Nice blog! Sounds like a really good book! :) x
